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Adam & Eve. Gender History Review
Adam & Eve. Gender History Review is the first Russian book series focused on gender history viewed as part of interdisciplinary research field of social sciences and humanities.
ISSN 2307-8383
Published since 2001. In 2001 – 2013 Dr Lorina P. Repina (Dr Sci. in history, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences) was its Editor-in-Chief
Published annually.
Founder: Russian Society for Intellectual History
Online edition.
Certificate of Registration: El No. FS77– 54410 issued on 10.06.2013.
Editor-in-Chief: Anna Yu. Seregina, Dr Sci. (history), Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences
Executive Editor: Anna V. Stogova, PhD (history), Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences / Russian State University for Humanities
The editors provide free access to full text of all articles. Publications are downloadable in pdf format. Reproduction of articles in any form, in print or online, should contain links to the website of Adam & Eve
The book series in included in the Russian Science Citation Index [RSCI]
Publication of studies on gender history, gender aspects of social history and the history of culture, as well as translations of sources, historiographical reviews and conference reports. the aim of the book series is to unite scholars interested in the gender aspects of the history of the past and to encourage their participation in academic debates, to publicize the results of their research. The editors organize annual conferences or round tables, and papers given there provide the core articles for thematic issues. Articles and other materials are published in Russian and English. Papers written in French, German and Spanish can also be submitted.
Editorial team
Editor-in-Chief: Anna Yu. Seregina, Dr Sci. (history), Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences
Executive Editor: Anna V. Stogova, PhD (history), Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences / Russian State University for Humanities
- Ekaterina Kirillova, Dr Sci (history), Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Maria Nekhlyudova, PhD, The Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration
- Maya Petrova, Dr Sci (history), Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences
- Olga Togoeva, Dr Sci (history), Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences
Editorial board
- Lorina Repina, Dr Sci. in history, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences / Russian State University for Humanities (Moscow)
- Marina Vinokurova, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
- Christine Worobec, Northern Illinois University (USA)
- Olga Demidova, Pushkin Leningrad State University (St Petersburg)
- Yury Zaretsky, Higher School of Economics University (Moscow)
- Galina Zvereva, Russian State University for Humanities (Moscow)
- Catriona Kelly, University of Cambridge (Great Britain)
- Marianna Liljeström, University of Turku (Finland)
- Natalya Pushkareva, Institute of Anthropology and Ethnography, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow)
- Michelle Perrot, Paris Diderot University (France)
- Elisabeth Cheaure, University of Freiburg (Germany)
- Semen Ekshtut, Institute of World History, Russian Academy of Sciences / Rodina history magazine (Moscow)
Editorial Policy
Adam & Eve. Gender History Review follows ethical standards is based on the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Code of Conduct guidelines available at www.publicationethics.org. Adherence to these standards of expected ethical behavior is essential for all parties involved in the process of publication— that is, authors, reviewers, members of the Editorial Team and the Editorial Board.
By submitting an article to the Editors, its authors confirm the fact of their authorship and their agreement with the contents of the article.
The authors must guarantee that
- all those who took part in writing the article are listed as coauthors, and all colleagues and other researchers who made a substantive contribution to the article are fully acknowledged.
- the article includes references to all the funding sources for research.
- quotations from publications by other researchers are appropriate and precise. Any form of plagiarism discovered would be followed either by the rejection of submitted article, or by the revocation of an already published one, and the Editors would no longer collaborate with the article’s author in any way.
- the article presents original research, has not been published or submitted for publication in another edition.
All changes in the text of the article made after it has been reviewed and accepted for publication can be made by author upon the discussion with the editors.
The author must not place into publica domain materials accepted for publication and being edited but not yet published. Violation of this rule would made the editors to decline the publication.
By submitting the manuscript to the editorial team, the author thereby undertakes not to publish it, in full or in part, on any other edition without reference to the publication in the Adam & Eve. Gender History Review.__* *__
Copyright of published texts belongs to the edition and to the author. The publisher has the right to use any means of communication for the distribution of printed materials, translate texts and transfer the rights to republish.
The author has the right to non-commercial use of the published article.
If the article reproduces other people's materials, tables, images, the author must indicate the author of these materials and / or the owner of the copyright for these materials.
Authors are not charged for publication. Author’s royalties are not paid.
The authors are responsible for the accuracy of all information contained in the work. If, during the editing process, authors discover errors or inaccuracies, they must notify the editorial board and either withdraw the publication, or make necessary corrections. If significant errors or inaccuracies are discovered in an already published article, the editorial team must be notified. The editorial team would then publish an announcement of an error.
Personal information provided by authors, including e-mail addresses, will only be used for the purposes of academic publication. The Editors must not disclose personal information to third parties.
Procedures for dealing with unethical behavior
Should the editors receive proof of the violation of publication ethics by an author or a reviewer, the Editor-in-Chief initiates an inquiry. Upon its results the editors inform the author or the reviewer that s/he violated publication ethics. The author or a reviewer is then offered a chance to answer to all accusations or suspicions. If her/his answer is found unsatisfying, the editors may send her/him a warning and inform about the violations found, withdraw the article and stop any collaboration with this author or reviewer. Information about withdrawal of the article would be placed on the edition’s website and send to all databases.
Thematic issues of Adam & Eve are published once a year, in December, and mostly consist of papers discussed at annual conferences or round tables on various aspects of gender history usually organized in June. Theme and date of a round table/conference are announced at the website no later than February. Submissions for publication will also include other materials on all aspects of gender history, without limitations of historical period or region.
By submitting a manuscript for publication, the author accepts the editorial policy of the edition: to transfer the right to publish online of the website of Adam & Eve of the text of the article, the author’s personal data, the article’s summaries in Russian and in English, and its title in Russian and International databases and in the system of the registration of the digital object’s identification (DOI).
All materials received by the editors will be submitted to double blind peer-reviewing. Articles accepted for publication will be edited in order to prepare the texts to be published in the next issue of Adam & Eve. Manuscripts formatted not in accordance with the rules listed below will not be accepted. The return of a manuscript for revision does not mean that the article is accepted for publication. The revised manuscript will be submitted for additional reviewing, or will be looked into by the editors, depending on the amount of revision undertaken. The articles declined by the editors may not be resubmitted.
Articles and other materials may be submitted for publication throughout the year. Manuscripts should be send to the e-mail address of the editorial team: genderhistory@gmail.com. Current year’s issue includes articles send to the editors no later that 1 July. The articles are published on the first-come-first-served basis, in accordance with the readiness of materials and thematic issues. The editors may change the order of publication in accordance with themes of issues.
Issues of the Adam & Eve are thematical, and the major part of published materials are initially presented as papers at annual round tables / conferences organized by the editorial team, and are discussed by the invited experts in the field.
All articles submitted for publication undergo anonymous (“double blind”) peer-reviewing. The Editor-in-Chief and the executive editor chose reviewers for a particular article. Reviewing of an article should be completed within 1-2 months.
The reviewed present well-founded recommendations:
- the article is recommended for publication статья рекомендуется к публикации;
- the article is recommended for publication after minor revision;
- the article requires major revisions and additional reviewing;
- the article cannot be published.
If a review contains recommendations for the revision of an article, the editors send the text of the review to the author with a suggestion to either implement these recommendations, or to provide arguments against it.
The editors may send a manuscript for additional reviewing. In case of conflict, the decision about the publication is made by the Editor-in-Chief at the meeting of the editorial team.
Decision to decline a manuscript is made at the meeting of the editorial team in accordance with the recommendations of the reviewers. If a manuscript is declined, its author receives a letter of rejection with detailed explanation. Grounds for rejection of a manuscript include:
- plagiarism discovered by a reviewer, or by the editors (without a chance to revise the text);
- theme of the article does not fit into the field of the research interests of the edition;
- the author’s refusal to revise the article in accordance with the recommendations of the reviewer.
After the editorial team accepts an article for publication the editors inform its author about their decision and about the timing of the publication.
Format guidelines
Scope of an article is from 1 to 2 au.l.. (40 000 — 80 000 characters, including spaces). Font Cambria (or Times New Roman), size 11 should be selected. Em dash should be used, common abbreviations are accepted. If you require special symbols, please, send additional fonts together with an article.
A separate file submitted with an article should include:
- Title and summary of the article, in Russian and in English (1 000-2000 characters) with the title in lower case. Summary should provide information about object of study, its aims, main sources, and conclusions.
- Keywords (7-10) in Russian and English
- Information about author (name, degree, affiliation, position, phone number, e-mail, ORCID, Scopus ID) in Russian and English. ORCID is s required element of information about author. It can be received through registration at https://orcid.org.
- Information about funding (grants, programmes, etc.) and «Acknowledgements», if applicable если.
example of summary, keywords and acknowledgement
Путешествие в Рим Томаса Норта (1555): от итинерария к мемуарам путешественника
Аннотация: В статье анализируется текст «Путешествия английских послов в Рим в 1555 г.» — путевых заметок, составленных в 1560-х гг. на основании дневниковых записей Томаса Норта (1535 — ок. 1601), пажа из свиты посла Томаса Тёрлби, епископа Илийского. Томас Норт впоследствии прославился как автор первого, многократно переиздававшегося английского перевода «Сравнительных жизнеописаний» Плутарха, а его путевые заметки являются важнейшим из сохранившихся источников о последнем английском посольстве в Рим (1555 г.), благодаря которому Англия на короткое время восстановила отношения с Папским престолом. Тем не менее, путевые заметки Норта до сих пор остаются малоизученными и никогда раньше не рассматривались в контексте истории литературы путешествий. Текст заметок сохранился в двух известных сейчас рукописях (Lambeth Palace Library, MS 5076 и British Library, Harley MS 252); их критическое издание сейчас готовится к публикации. Изучение заметок Норта показывает, что при сохранении конвенций, свойственных традиционному средневековому жанру итинерариев, это сочинение выделяется авторским фокусом, отличающим его от других заметок, составленных английскими путешественниками и дипломатами. Норта интересовали не столько политическая составляющая путешествия, или римские древности. Его сочинение представлять серию впечатлений автора от увиденного во Франции, Италии, Германии и Нидерландах, от новых дворцов и крепостей, инструментов, механизмов и «диковин»: объектов, зверей и птиц, и социальных практик. Норта интересовала современность, то, что разворачивалось на его глазах - возведение ренессансного дворца, новой крепости, опасный сход лавины или страус в зверинце римского кардинала. Уникальное сочетание итинерария, дневника и мемуаров в записках Норта показывает, как европейцу XVI в. играли с жанрами в поиске формата, подходящего для описания опыта и вкусов путешественника.
Ключевые слова: итинерарий, литература путешествий, путевые заметки, Италия раннего Нового времени, религиозные практики, Реформация
__Thomas North’s Travel to Rome (1555): from itinerary to a traveler’s memoir __
Annotation: The article analyses a text of the “Journey of the English Ambassadors to Rome in 1555” — a travel memoir compiled in 1560s on the basis of a travel diary kept by Thomas North (1535 — c.1601), then a page in the household of an ambassador Thomas Thirlby, Bishop of Ely. Later in life, Thomas North became famous as an author of the first, often reprinted English translation of Plutarch’s “Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans” (1579), and his travelogue remains the most important of the extant documents related to the last English embassy to Rome (1555), which temporarily restored the country’s relationship with the Papal See. However, the “Journey” had been poorly studied and has never been looked at in the context of travel literature. The text of the “Journey” exists in two 16th century copies (Lambeth Palace Library, MS 5076, and British Library, Harley MS 252); their critical edition is being prepared for publication. the detailed analysis of the North’s text shows that although the author followed the genre of medieval itineraries his work differs in focus and intent from other travel diaries and memoirs produced by English travelers and diplomats of the mid-16th century. North was not much interested in the political side of his journey, or even in the Roman antiquities. His text represents a series of is author’s memories of what he saw in France, Italy, Germany and the Netherlands, of new palaces, fortresses, instruments, mechanisms and “wonders”: objects, animals and birds, and social practices. North was interested in things contemporary, in what was happening in fronts of his eyes – a building of a new church or a bastion, dangerous avalanche in the Alps, or an ostrich a Roman Cardinal’s menagerie. A unique combination of itinerary, diary and memoir in the North’s Journey” demonstrates how the 16th century Europeans manipulated literary genres in search of a form that suited the descriptions of their travel experiences.
Keywords: itinerary, travel literature, English Embassy to Rome, travel diary, early modern Italy, England, religious practices, Reformation
Благодарности. Статья подготовлена в рамках проекта РНФ № хх-хх-ххххх.
Acknowledgements. The study has been funded by the Russian Scientific Foundation, project no. хх-хх-ххххх
At the end of the article, an alphabetic list of primary sources and secondary literature should be provided, followed by the list of references. If necessary, a separate list of abbreviations is provided.
Illustrations (images, maps, schemes, designs, photos) are provided in *.jpg format (preferably) or in *tif, *bmp, *gif formats, with file density not lower than 300 dpi. All illustrations should be numbered and have subscriptions in Russian and in English. Images of paintings, engravings, photos from museums, archives and libraries should have references to their holdings (museum collections or library codes). Images from printed sources or websites should have bibliographical descriptions of the required format.
Footnotes (font size 9,5) with continuous numbers Сноски даются в подстрочных постраничных примечаниях со сквозной нумерацией. Кегль 9,5. Sources and literature are listed alphabetically in two separate lists. Abbreviations are not used on bibliographical descriptions .
The list of «References» includes only secondary literature (same bibliographical references in different format). Bibliographical descriptions of editions published in alphabets other than Latin should be translated into Russian. The version of English title mentioned in the edition should be used, and only if this is absent, a new translation can be provided. Language of publication should be stated for all publications in languages other than English.
If all references are only to works printed in Latin graphics, only list of «References» should be compiled.
Hyper-references should be removed from the bibliography.
Example of footnotes
Author’s surname or short title of an edition. Year of publication (volume of a multi-volume set): page or time-code (additional information, reference to parallel edition).
Иванов. 2008: 34.
Университет для России. 1997: 35.
ОР РНБ. Ф. 585. Оп. 1. Д. 1750. Л. 5–9.
Ларошфуко. 1993: 39 (La Rochefoucauld. 1878: 104)
Patin. 2006 (1): 373–374 (Lettre à C.Spon du 31.03.1649).
Repas de bébé. 1895: 0:26-0:30.
Bibliography format
__list of sources and literature __
Author’s surname. Publication year — Author’s surname and initials. Book’s title. Place of publication: publishing house, year of publications.
Вайнштейн. 2006 — Вайнштейн О. Денди: мода, литература, стиль жизни. М.: Новое литературное обозрение, 2006.
Монтень. 1960 (II) — Монтень М. Опыты: в 3 кн. / Пер. и примеч. Ф.А. Коган-Берштейн, А.С. Бобовича. М.-Л.: Изд-во АН СССР, 1960. Т. II. (Литературные памятники)
Некрополь. 2018. (3:1) – Некрополь русских великих княгинь и цариц в Вознесенском монастыре Московского Кремля. Материалы исследований: В 4 т. Т. 3. Погребения XVI — начала XVII века. Ч. 1 / отв. ред. Т.Д. Панова. М.: ФГБУК «Государственный историко-культурный музей-заповедник “Московский Кремль”», 2018.
Apps, Gow. 2003 — Apps L., Gow A. Male Witches in Early Modern Europe. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003.
Article in a collection of articles / collective monograph
Author’s surname. Publication year — Author’s surname and initials. Article’s title // Collection’s title / initials and surname of editor. Place of publication: publishing house, year of publications. Pages.
Градскова. 2003__ — __Градскова Ю. «Освобождение женщины» – гендерный анализ репрезентаций женской телесности в годы культурной революции (по материалам журналов 1920-х годов) // Репрезентации телесности: сборник научных статей / Под ред. Г.И. Зверевой. М.: РГГУ, 2003. С. 148–160.
Bruard-Arends. 2004 — Bruard-Arends I. De l’auteur à l’auteure, comment être femme de lettres au temps de Lumières // Intellectuelles : du genre en histoire des intellectuels / Sous dir . de N. Racine et M. Trebitch. Bruxelles: Complexe, 2004. P. 73–84.
Article in a journal / e-journal
Author’s surname. Publication year — Author’s surname and initials. Article’s title // Journal’s title. Year of publication. Volume. Issue. Pages.
__Руднева. __2010 — Руднева Я.Б. Женские саморепрезентации в деловой документации начала XX века // Диалог со временем. 2010. Вып. 31. С. 98–131.
Schaps. 1982 — Schaps D. Women of Greece in Wartime // Classical Philology. 1982. Vol. 77. № 3. P. 193–213.
Author’s surname. Publication year — Author’s surname and initials. Article’s title (without a dot) // Journal’s title. Year of publication. Volume. Issue. URL (access date)
Серегина. 2018 — Серегина А.Ю. Материальная культура английского католического сообщества XVI–XVII вв.: источники и перспективы исследования // Электронный научно–образовательный журнал «История». 2018. T. 9. Вып. 9 (73). URL: https://history.jes.su/s207987840002484-1-1/ (20.11.22).
Author’s surname. Publication year — Author’s surname and initials. Publication’s title // Online resource’s title. Online publication date. URL (access date).
Pocaterra. 1592 — Pocaterra A. Two dialogues on shame. English translation of: Annibale Pocaterra Due Dialogi della Vergogna Ferrara (1592) // Herzog August Bibliothek. 2015. URL: http://diglib.hab.de/edoc/ed000237/start.htm (12.08.2022)
Morris. 2012 — Morris E. Tabloid: Sex in Chains. 2012 // BBC. 11.10.2012. URL: http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01f13f6 (28.05.2017).
Example of bibliography format list of References
Bibliographical entries in the list of «References» are formatted in accordance of the Chicago style of citation (17th edition). Further information about the formatting rules can be found at: https://www.chicagomanualofstyle.org/
Surname, name of author. Book’s title. Place of publication: publishing house. Year of publication.
Weinstein, Olga. Dandy: fashion, literature, lifestyle. Moscow: New Literary Review, 2006. (In Russian)
Apps, Lara, and Andrew Gow. Male witches in early modern Europe. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2003.
Article in a collection of articles / collective monograph
Surname, name of author. “Article’s title”. In Collection’s title, editor (name, surname), pages. Place of publication: publishing house. Year of publication.
Gradskova, Yulia. “ ‘Liberation of Women’ — A Gender Analysis of the Representations of Female Corporeality in the Years of the Cultural Revolution (Based on the Materials of the Journals of the 1920s)”. In Representations of Corporeality: A Collection of Scientific Articles, edited by Galina Zvereva, 148-160. Moscow: RGGU, 2003. (In Russian)
Bruard-Arends, Isabelle. “ De l’auteur à l’auteure, comment être femme de lettres au temps de Lumières.” In Intellectuelles : du genre en histoire des intellectuels, edited by Nicole Racine and Michel Trebitsch, 73–84. Bruxelles: Complexe, 2004. (In French)
Article in a journal / e-journal
Surname, name of author. “Article’s title”. Journal’s title volume, issue (year of publications): pages.
Roudneva, Yana. “Female self-representations in the official documentation of the early 20th c.” Dialogue with Time 31, no. 2 (2010): 98–131. (In Russian)
Schaps, David. “The Women of Greece in Wartime.” Classical Philology 77, no. 3 (1982): 193–213.
Surname, name of author. “Article’s title”. E-journal’s title volume, issue (year of publications). DOI or URL
Seregina, Anna “Material Culture of the English Catholic Community in the 16th–17th Centuries: Sources and Perspectives.” *ISTORIYA *9, no. 9 (2018). DOI: 10.18254/S0002484-1-1 (In Russian)
Surname, name of author. “Publication’s title”, online resource title, date of publication, or access date, , URL
Morris, Erroll. “Tabloid: Sex in Chains”, BBC, October 11, 2012, video 1:25, http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b01f13f6